Methods of Enquiry
Free Zone will work with people and situations outside the realm of mainstream practice while developing skills that are directly applicable in practice. The nature of the work can be small in scale or temporary or even antisocial but it will be detailed, organised and presented in a highly professional manner.
Design projects range between brief, small scale, group events and longer, larger, individual projects. An appropriate level of complexity is achieved in design work by developing a series of linked projects rather than inventing an institutional need for monumental architecture where non exists. A series of studio seminars offers support from a variety of theory and design staff.
The provisional, unstable nature of identity and the marginality of "the space between" could suggest technologies that are light, mobile, reusable, cheap and innovative. However, participants in Free Zone are expected to consider all technologies, to test their technological choices and resolve the details of implementation. The workshop is as relevant a location for intellectual exploration as the library or the design studio.
Research leading to written work is a complementary activity supported by a series of studio seminars and by three seminar series linked with the group and supported by the BA long essay and BArch research project teams.
Methods of Communication
Free Zone has a commitment to exhibit and publish all aspects of its work. Some of the projects have outcomes that are exhibitions in themselves. Other projects are presented as Planning Applications, complete sets of working drawings or workshop-built prototypes. The school's end of year show is the main oppurtunity to see the body of work as a whole. The exhibition presents critiques of current conditions, design experiments towards architecture of resistance and extracts from written work. It also demonstrates the professional skills of the group.
[Design & Programing by Nick Wilde & Greg Harvey]