Research Questions
What are the conditions that lead to the marginalisation of some groups in society?
What are "the spaces between", how are they used and what is being made there?
How could "resistance" promote individual control of identities and communal control of cultural conditions in joyous, playful and productive ways?
How could architects, constrained by working within dominant institutions, make their work respond to contemporary conditions?
Studio seminars introduce and develop the Free Zone themes of post-modern conditions, marginalised groups, multiple identities, spaces between, resistance and the reorientation of architectural practice. All members of the group are expected to contribute from theiir experience of daily life and of designing in an ever changing context. The seminars will take varied forms and will be guided by a range of contributors. The series will offer several one-day workshops, including "Architecture as a Political Act" and exercises that put theory into practice.
[Design & Programing by Nick Wilde & Greg Harvey]